Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Notes on trail flora

One of the joys of the hike so far has been the abundance of wild flowers and flowering trees along route.

This tree has been a particular favorite since it's vibrant flowers seem almost to glow. The bloom has the intensity of the lavender petal, but also a softer pastelly quality. If that makes any sense.


  1. That's an Eastern Red Bud,Jenny! They are blooming here as well and one of our favorites every year. One of the best things about hiking (for me)is the wildlife and the wild flowers...we are on the trail tomorrow for the first time in over a week, so I am anxious to see which new ones are blooming.
    Sharon (and her silent better half, Paul)

  2. Thanks Sharon. We knew some one would know what it was. I hope you have a great hike!

    Jenny and Rick

  3. Happy one-month discoveriversary!

  4. "April is the cruellest month" (TSE) From now on it should be all downhill.

  5. @Henry: Thanks Henry!

    @Geoff: It has definately gotten more better. Despite almost constant rain for three of five days we walked this week, we've been feeling great.


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